Advent 2021: Eager Anticipation

29{icon} {views}I have a confession to make. One of the things that I often struggle with is patience. I imagine that this is also true for many of you. You’ve probably heard the suggestion that if you want God to truly develop your faith and increase your maturity you should ask him to give you… Continue Reading

Reflections on Holy Week, Part 2

80{icon} {views}Every story has a climax. It’s the point in the narrative at which everything that has been going on throughout the course of the story reaches its culmination, its high point, its most important moment. There’s enough dramatic tension to fill all of the Great Lakes 10 times over. It’s for moments like these… Continue Reading

Reflections on Holy Week, Part 1

64{icon} {views}As someone who tends to show his emotions more than normal it’s very easy to see when I’m excited. Usually these times of excitement are brought about by a great deal of anticipation and the longer it takes for something to happen the more excited I tend to get. The days and months leading… Continue Reading

In The News: Losing A Legend

29{icon} {views}Regardless of who it is it’s never easy when a person dies. Whether it’s old age, disease or a some other cause, natural or unnatural, “the same destiny happens to us all…we die”. (Ecclesiastes 9:3, The Voice) Not all deaths are the same though. Some, like that of Princess Diana, can be felt for… Continue Reading

On Being Useful

637{icon} {views}What’s the purpose? It feels worthless. So unwanted, like I’ve lost of my value. I can’t find it, not in the least bit and I’m just scared, so scared that I’ll fail You. And sometimes I think that I’m not any good at all and sometimes I wonder why, why I’m even here at… Continue Reading

The One Five Years Later

492{icon} {views}It’s not often that a person has an experience that profoundly changes who they are and how they view the world but when those moments happen they leave a lasting impression. 5 years ago, around this time of the year, I came home from just such an experience. I had left the country to… Continue Reading

Top 007 Baseball Movies

632{icon} {views}There are many things that are great about spring. The flowers blooming, the morning dew and evening rain and, for sports fans like me, the return of our national pastime. Over the years Hollywood has had various takes on the game that has filled the summers for many children of all ages. Here’s my… Continue Reading

The One Starting 2018

806{icon} {views}It happens every year, to everyone, almost as if it’s a right of passage. The calendar changes and we make a promise to ourselves that things are going to be different. We look at our lives and find the things that we believe need to change in order make our lives better over the… Continue Reading

When Words Aren’t Enough

894{icon} {views}I joined Facebook about a year or so after I had graduated from college. At that time it had just opened up to the public and was continuing to grow at a blistering pace. I was excited to join this new form of social media because it would allow me to keep up with… Continue Reading

The One Celebrating America

890{icon} {views}In 1776 a group of New World colonies decided that they had had enough. Since their founding the American states had been subject to the British Empire but they had decided that they were through. Through taking orders. Through being taken advantage of. Through being treated as if they were less than human. They… Continue Reading